Testosterone Therapy
is low testosterone holding you back?
Do you have any of the following symptoms:
Reduced Libido
Shrinking testes Muscular atrophy
Loss of body and pubic hair
Feeling like you can’t get enough sleep
Inability to concentrate (brain fog)
constant fatigue
Development of breast tissue (gynecomastia)
Erectile dysfunction (impotence)
Increase in body fat
Low red blood cell count (anemia)
Mood disorders
The good news is that the vast majority of men who use testosterone cypionate for TRT notice that these symptoms resolve within a matter of months (or even weeks in some cases). Testosterone is arguably the most vital hormone for a man’s vitality, especially as you grow older.
As such, it’s crucial that you keep an eye on your testosterone levels, particularly if you’re experiencing the symptoms of low T and/or you’re 30+ years of age. Contact We Build Champions today to see if TRT Therapy is right for you.
What is testosteroine ?
Testosterone is a powerful hormone with both anabolic and androgenic actions in the body. androgens are steroid hormones that promote masculine features, such as body/facial hair growth, deepening of the voice, increase in muscle size, etc. anabolic steroids are simply hormones that produce growth of certain tissues. testosterone cypionate is beneficial for supporting healthy muscle growth and fat loss, especially in males who have a hard time making progress in the gym due to low t. many trt patients who inject testosterone cypionate notice an improvement in the above areas. to maximize these benefits, a healthy lifestyle is strongly encouraged.
benefits of Testosterone
- Better sex drive (libido)
- More motivation and drive
- Enhanced focus and mental clarity
- Increased body/facial hair growth
- Helps maintain bone density
- Increase muscle mass and strength
- Improves libido and sexual function
- Improves mood
- Increased energy levels
- Improved quality of erections and also quality of erections
Testosterone is sometimes an important hormone that is overlooked in females. it plays a key role in sexual desire, bone health, muscle strength, mood and brain fog.
Low mood & dissatisfaction
unexplained fatigue
hot flashes
night sweats
decreased muscle strength
Inability to concentrate (brain fog)
reduced sex drive
bone loss
Before menopause, females produce three times as much testosterone as estrogen. as females age or undergo procedures such as oophorectomy (removal of ovaries), testosterone levels can decline gradually or abruptly. studies suggest that adding testosterone to estrogen replacement therapy can improve sexual function and overall well-being in postmenopausal people.
- Improves Sexual Desire, pleasure, arousal and orgasm
- enhance self image
- Improves muscle aches & Joint pains
- increase bone density
- increase blood flow to the genitals
- improve mood, motivation, energy
- enhance cognitive performance